Thursday, February 25, 2010

Turning a NEW LEAF

In this blog, I am usually interested in just documenting the places I go and the things I see. However, while being out here in Japan, I have happily picked up an important habit that I strongly suggest EVERYONE out there do too! And I am going to tell you this because I LOVE you (whoever you are) and you probably love me too since ur reading this blog which is just meant for my love ones to see what I am up to..

So, this is my first 9-5, Monday to Friday job. After being out here for more than 5 months, I have really seen how being inactive can take a negative toll on your body. Sitting at your desk ALLL day long can be draining. When I don’t have school visits and im stuck in the office, staring at the computer. Mind you, I keep myself busy but at the same time I just sit there. Even at schools, theres not much movement, just standing there or walk around a bit. I started to feel very sluggish and lazy. I never understood why so many people went to the gym. I used to see the same faces walking into the gym consistently, the regulars I see all the time and I always wondered, why do you torture yourself everyday? And now, especially in career mode. I understand.

When I was at home, I never used to work out (AND I worked at 2 gyms for a span of almost 5 years!! OMG!!). I found working out to be a hassle and I hated breaking a sweat. The discomfort of the shortness of breath and the sweating from cardio exercises just made me dread going to the gym. I used to think “ugggggggghhh, im sweating.. grossss!” LOL… I thought it was a big waste of time, when I could be doing something more enjoyable then killing myself with discomfort.

The whole game changed as soon as my mother told me that I was getting fat!! Okay she didn’t really say those words exactly. It was more of a “your gaining a little bit of weight”. I was completely and utterly shocked. Usually, I say that to people and they tell me, “no your not, don’t be silly...on and on” but as soon as I heard that, my mouth dropped. This was my number one motivating factor that pushed me to go to the one place that I hated the most.

I tried going to the gym before and that would last a week before I would find something more enticing to do. So I was a bit nervous about getting it going. BUT this time it was different. I got on that treadmill and I was thinking, “aright give me your best shot, im not here to fool around anymore, and I am not going to let you intimidate me.” And guess what, “im not afraid of sweating anymore! So try me!” I started doing cardio with the mentality that I WANT to leave here sweating and I CANT stop until I have been on this thing for at least 30 mins on a maintained high speed.

Now, I cant believe it!! For the past few days, I have just felt like I am on top of the world!! Its just this indescribable feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. All those things you hear about getting active are REALLY true! I have never went to the gym on a consistent enough basis to feel the positive effects. After another amazing feeling of coming home from the gym, I decided to inquire about exactly WHAT positive effects does working out have? So I looked it up… to see how effective all this work really is..

  1. It IMPROVES the HEALTH of your HEART and LUNGS! - Your heart is a muscle that needs to be strong! If you don’t use it or get it pumping, it will be WEAK and increase the chances of heart diseases, heart attack, stroke – you name it. Getting the heart rate up will work it up and increase circulation!
  2. HELPING hormones - Working out changes the hormone levels in your body. - “feel good” hormones are released and this fights off depression, fatigue and decreases appetite - it is a STRESS RELIEVER!! I didn’t believe it, until I did it! The tense muscles in my back and shoulders (from sitting and staring at a computer) are gone!
  3. Reduce heart disease and diabetes
  4. INCREASE bone density
  5. INCREASE metabolism
  6. INCREASE circulation and blood flow in the body for MORE ENERGY!
… there are SO many more reasons!

When I used to work out before, people would tell me “why are you working out for? You don’t need to!” and this was the main reason that deterred me from going to the gym. After knowing all the positive effects, I REALIZED that it DOESN’T MATTER if you already have a high metabolism and a small/thin body. You still need to take care of yourself physically. Ideally, we want to feel good about ourselves. More importantly, don’t we all want to better ourselves as a whole? It is critical that we cater to ALL aspects of our being.

Our whole-self – encompassing mind, soul and body.

...........I want to live a LONG and HEALTHY lifedo you?? =)

Monday, February 15, 2010

The sights and sounds of Tokyo

Its amazing how different Tokyo is from Hirosaki… there is definitely more happening, things to see, the weather is A LOT warmer (they don’t even get snow.. while I am buried in snow up here) and it seems like every station offers something else to do and it is like a billion times larger than Hirosaki.. but it is also VERY CROWDED, congested, more expensive, the people are less friendly…etc. Well its nice to be able to have the best of both worlds..

The weather was absolutely beautiful. Tokyo doesn’t get much snow and cold weather because it is blocked by mountains. It felt like autumn weather and the first time we’ve be able to walk around with only a sweater in the month of January!

Tokyo Tower

The view from the tower

Tokyo Dome City

At Tokyo Dome City (the area surrounding Tokyo Dome) there is a mini amusement park – with a roller coaster, small rides and a giant Ferris wheel. The Ferris wheel had an amazing view. I really wanted to ride the roller coaster but someone was scared and now that will have to wait until April.

“Winter Illumination” lit up Tokyo Dome City. The area was surrounded by different light designs. The light decorations last from December until February, so we were luck to catch it. It was a very beautiful, magical and memorable moment!