Friday, December 4, 2009

My 1st School Festival

My base school, Nishimeya Junior High School invited me to their school festival. Nishimeya is a rural town outside of Hirosaki. It takes me 1 hour on the bus to get there, but only maybe 30 mins to get there by car. its a real scenic route surrounded by mountains and trees. On one of my visits there, i saw a small black snake on the road! ..that was def a first.

There are only 44 students in the whole school!! Really small huh!!d (or should I say ehhh!) That’s like 2 classes, give or take.

The festival was similar to an all day talent show or presentation. The grades presented speeches, mini plays, songs and dances.

The dances were really funny. For some reason all the boys dressed up like girls?? I guess it was okay over there but something like that would mos DEFinitly NOT fly over here!!! LOL

Displays of the students' crafty work

Customized School T-Shirts.. pretty cool

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