Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Christmas all over the world.. for the past 24 years, I have celebrated Christmas the same way… put up the tree, eat some cookies, hang stockings, have candy canes, hand out christmas cards….and every year on Christmas eve, we have christmas dinner with the family, exchange presents, play kris kringle, wait for santa… open presents Christmas day! And then go to church. I can definitely say this has been the most different and unique Christmas I have experienced. Christmas is celebrated differently all around the world and it was interesting to be able to see how other cultures celebrate.

Christmas in JAPAN

our cake

I learned that strawberry shortcakes are a main symbol of Christmas, just as much as candy canes are the symbol of Christmas in Canada and the states. All the flyers and posters said Merry Christmas with a picture of a strawberry cake.

I spent one sat afternoon with Alesha and her English club… We decorated the infamous Japanese strawberry Christmas cake… those girls are so cute! And they decorated some mean cakes!

Sooo in the stores there are no candy canes!? I think candy canes are one of the most famous symbols of Christmas and to my surprise I could not find one candy cane to save my life. Boo urns!!

So, instead, I resorted to Christmas cookies. I tried to bake gingerbread men for my students and the size of the cookie cutter man was as big as my iddy biddy thumb. I have NEVER seen a gingerbread man that size. It was such a sad day in my life in Japan b/c my friend and I spent the night resizing the dough by adding extra piece to make it look like a somewhat regular size…

Funny fact: Kentucky Fried Chicken  another main symbol of Christmas in Japan. I did not know that until this year. Apparently KFC is PACKED and you cant even walk in without a reservation. People have to order Kentucky in advanced in order to get some. Weird huh?!

I have never thought of KFC as a christmas dinner, but then again that is a well known fact over here.. so imagine my surprise.

Christmas in VIETNAM

I spent Christmas in Vietnam this year with my best friend MICHELLE and her famz. This was definitely a unique Christmas celebration. The people don’t decorate their houses.. no trees, presents, etc… however, the outside of department stores do…

So, the sidewalks are blocked by many local people, shoving their way to take pictures with the decorations. They even have heavy duty photographers trying to make a buck by asking passers by if they want a professional picture.

Next, Christmas Eve resembled a massive street party that felt like a new years celebration. One main street was locked off for pedestrians only and the rest of the streets were FILLLLED with people driving motorcycles.

I have never seen this many motorcycles – it was breath taking… plus I was scared for my life as we attempted to cross the streets.. There are no lights or crosswalks.. you just keep inch-ing forward until you reach the other side; while motorcycles are whizzing past. I could not conjure up the courage to cross the street bymyself!

Funny fact: Many kids were dressed up in santa outfits. And there was even a big group of teenagers dressed up in santa outfits. They even had a Santa giving out candy.. It seems like Vietnam mixed up Halloween, Christmas and New Years all in one night! LOL!

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